Will anyone see Spring sports?


Hannah Woodruff

FLC’s 2019 girl’s softball players jump in excitement after an ecstatic game.

Zaynab Hajali, Staff Writer

Spring sports are just beginning and many players are questioning whether they will have spectators this year. 

Softball is a sport that takes a lot of energy and passion and takes place outdoors. It being an outdoor sport is significant because with COVID precautions, people will be able to stand the required amount of feet apart and be able to stay safe while cheering on Franklin Learning Center’s Bobcats.

Keep in mind that this year’s softball Bobcats are not only FLC’s girls players, but Parkway Center City players as well. A partnership of the two schools allows for the players to make friendships and grow together as a team. Spectators from both schools would be able to come together as one to cheer on the softball girls, allowing them to feel a sense of accomplishment when coming together to play. 

Returning players were asked if they would like spectators to come to their games and some had similar ideas as to how it would be. 

Ashley Soto is a returning softball player and a senior at Parkway Center City.

“[Spectators] tend to cheer a lot,” Soto said. “They make it more lively and they make it more fun for the players.” 

Naila Valdez, a junior at FLC and a returning softball player, agrees. 

Softball player, Lizbeth Castillo, anxiously awaiting a pitch. (Hannah Woodruff)

“I do think it is good to have spectators when they bring a positive influence on us because it helps us feel supported and feel welcoming when we know we have people watching us,” Valdez said. “It also helps us grow and develop as a team and having people there supporting keeps us excited and pumped up for game time. It also makes it more fun and energetic.” 

Kylee Taylor, a senior at FLC and a returning softball player, knows they haven’t had as many spectators as other FLC sports teams. 

“I would like spectators at the game considering that at the boys basketball game, they have many spectators and their games are indoors,” Taylor said. “Ours are outdoors which makes it possible so spectators can be comfortable enough to have their own space. We don’t get nearly as many spectators as the other teams.” 

FLC’s student athlete competing vigorously at a track & field meet. (Hannah Woodruff)

Having spectors can do many things for the softball girls, but Taylor made it clear that it would greatly improve school spirit. 

“We need better school spirit,” Taylor said, “and I think that more people coming to our games will improve our school spirit. Make us play better as a team and give us the spirit we need as players.”

Although having spectators can be a great thing for the players, Coach Megan Condit says it can be complicated. 

“I have mixed emotions about spectators,” Condit said. “I think that it can be a positive experience to have spectators at our games, if they themselves remain positive. I do not like spectators who create drama. I do not like the drama that comes along with spectators heckling, our team or the other team. Sometimes they think that they’re helping us out by heckling the other team by screaming when the pitchers about the pitch or clapping when the batter is about to swing. Whatever it may be, I don’t find that helpful. I find it unsportsmanlike. But if we have spectators who are willing to stay positive, and follow the same sportsmanship rules that we as players and coaches follow, then that would be wonderful.”

The boys and girls volleyball teams have won numerous games these past seasons. (Hannah Woodruff)

Having spectators would improve the FLC girls softball players spirit, meaning it would improve other spring sport teams as well. Boy’s baseball is outdoors as well as track and field and girls flag football. Having spectators cheering the players on while they play can grow their confidence and help them become more comfortable with their fellow team players.