School security by day musician by night
Anthony Richardson, an officer at FLC, plays three different instruments and is in two bands.
December 20, 2022
Officer Anthony Richardson, better known as Rich, has been working in this school for 8 years.
Through those years, Franklin Learning Center went through some changes, however, Rich believes those changes did not stop the school from being what it is, amazing.
“I think it’s a great school, especially since this year has been a little rough on many people, staff and students, but I think the students are doing well and so are the teachers.”
Richardson tries to understand what the students are going through and will take time out of his day to talk to them.
Jesselyn Abreu, a ninth grade student at FLC, recognizes how much Richardson cares about the students at FLC.
“He’s very sweet,” she said. “You can feel welcome when he is around and he is always checking up on you. To me he’s like a friend.”
Officer Richardson, not only is a hard-working school security guard, but puts effort into connecting with the students here at FLC.
Funny, nice, and respectable are all notable traits that many would use to describe Officer Richardson, but there are a number of things people may not know about him.
For one, he is a musician and likes to emphasize his passion for music.

Rich has played the drums since he was 6, the piano since he was 13, and the guitar, here and there. He plays piano professionally and is in two bands. The first band is called Critics, they usually play funk, R&B, and Motown, his other band is called 6ll where they mostly play originals.
Rich plays at two of his local churches every Sunday and he “enjoys every second of it.”
Richardson is seen as a good friend with the students, and is respected among the teachers. One being Colleen Krakaukas who has a few words to say about Officer Rich.
“He’s a cool dude, he can establish relationships with people and he’s someone you can respect.”
Although Rich has a busy schedule, he still manages to earn respect and establish relationships with the students and staff at this school.
Having a child of his own, he states, “I look at you all [the students] like my kids, the way I would protect my daughter is the way I would protect you all,”