Focus on Sherrie Richardson
Staff Photographer Zaynab Hajali
Franklin Learning Center staff Sherrie Richardson. Talking into the handheld transceiver.
March 29, 2022
Many important jobs go unnoticed, stuck in the shadows. It’s no different concerning schools. Sherrie Richardson works as a climate staff member at Franklin Learning Center and most students don’t even know her name.
As someone that sees students go through harsh conditions, Richardson tries to help all the students as best she can, knowing what the stress feels like.
“I try not to let too many things stress me out, I’ve been dealing with kids for a long time.”
Throughout all her long years with kids, Richardson has encountered a variety of different students. Some of which have been rude and disrespectful, which can make her job difficult, but Richardson does her best to try and understand.
“All the stress, all the disrespect you have to deal with some of these children.”
Richardson eventually realized that there are a number of reasons why they can be disrespectful. Homelife can definitely be one of them.
“I knew quite a few kids and quite a few families personally. Even some of my own family members. Some didn’t have the proper things at home. The home wasn’t clean. They didn’t get meals regularly.”

When dealing with the stress and the harsh part of the job, Richardson needs something to keep her calm and collective.
“So in the morning, what I do is, I put some gospel music on in the morning which kind of gets me together. Gets me going. I pray between four and five in the morning. I pray a lot right now.”
She sees all kinds of students. Good and bad, loud and quiet, hopeless and hopeful, but she tries her best to help every student she can.
“I try to offer a lot of stuff. My daughter has young children, so she had bags of clothing and what she’ll do is she’ll say “Mom, you know somebody that needs them?” So that’s what I do, I give them basic clothes.”
A simple act of kindness from Richardson can go a long way for that student. “I make gestures more or less.”