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The Dynamic Duo

Charles giving Jadon a firm handshake, working together as a musical duo.
Charles giving Jadon a firm handshake, working together as a musical duo.
Semayah Smith


Let’s shine a light on two up-and-coming artists who have been making music together since their freshman year at FLC. Charles James and Jadon Spencer, both sophomore Music majors, release music as The Dynamic Duo online… 

James’s major focus is vocal music and Spencer’s is based on instrumental music.  With this, they both bring unique elements when making music together. The Genre of music they make consists of melodic R&B and hip-hop. With Spencer already making music before the two began producing music together, he found inspiration from the people closest to him.

“My brother started making music at 14 and me being eight years younger. I looked up to him a lot. And it kind of inspired me… to build a closer bond and a big connection.”

Charles, on the other hand, looked up to the artist that he listened to and wanted to go down the same path as them.  Being surrounded by different music every day when he was younger opened up new doors.

“For me, it was just I was mostly…inspired by just artists that are listened to and wanting to have the experiences that they have. So I want to get like them one day.”

Charles was surrounded by different music every day when he was younger in school, which opened up new doors to the music world.

“I think in middle school or like Elementary. I’ve always been like surrounded by music and music has been…a passion of mine for a while now. So I was just been kind of sticking to it and been doing the best I can.”


Around the third marking period of the 22–23 school year, Charles decided to begin making music with Spencer because they already had such a strong connection with music, which led them to make music together.

“He had already made music. But I kind of was just like, why not? And that’s kind of where the idea came from when we both just went forward from there.”

Now that they are the official group, they came up with a unique name “Dynamic Duo”, Spencer talks about how this name only shows how powerful their connection was between the two.

“We duo,” Spencer says when asked how they got their name, “and when it comes to music, we are dynamic. We got a good connection.” 

With their bond growing even stronger over time, they are putting out albums and songs. As of right now, they have 3 albums and 35 songs streaming, and more to come. With this, they were able to do their first performance together. With Spencer being less experienced with performing on stage with the mic, they still found a way around that made each other feel comfortable when performing. Even after the show was over, they got some positive feedback from the audience.

“I don’t have an experienced singer with a mic, but overall the experience was good. And we just stayed on each other’s type of bond; we didn’t, you know, discredit each other or we just kept each other positive.” James also stated, “We did get a few people stop by and talk to us after so that was a good experience.”

Closing it out, the Dynamic Duo has some plans in the future to reach their goal of 15,000 streams and collaborate with other people with many different varieties of voices. With this, the Duo gives some advice on pursuing your dreams.

From Spencer, “For those looking, even if it’s not music, keep pushing to your dreams. Don’t let nobody discredit you…I thought it was going to take a matter of months till I got good but it’s gonna take time so be patient.”  From James, “The only person really need to prove is to yourself and you don’t need nobody else’s opinion to do what you love. So keep that in mind.”

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Semayah Smith
Semayah Smith, Ombudsman
  1. Hi my name is semayah Im the Ombudsman for the flash, I’m in the college prep major at FLC. Here’s some things that you might not know about me.
  • this is my first year in the flash
  • I’m a sophomore
  • I own two cats
  • I’m always willing to help :)
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