The decade that we know and love is ending in only a few weeks. Our childhood memories as we know them are coming to an end. We look back on the events that have happened and ask ourselves. Was 2010 the best decade? If not, then what was?
Well, the answer is simple. None of the decades were the best. In fact, it is impossible to even measure which one was the best. Every decade is filled with major events that are both devastating and excellent, from the finale of our favorite tv shows to eruptions of national tragedies.
In this decade, for example, there were plenty of public shootings and gun violence issues. However, there were also more citizens willing to peacefully protest in order to fix these issues rather than sitting quietly like in other decades.
Since every decade is different and everyone has a different opinion, it is almost impossible to choose which one is best. Louis Fantini, History, Law and English teacher at FLC says, “ I think it’s really hard to compare decades, because what happens in a decade is the entire range of human experiences. You’re going to have some things that get better and some things that get worse.”
Yinel Gonzalez, senior at FLC, says, “I don’t think I can say there was a best one [decade] because it’s all different and everyone’s mindset was as well. What we believe now wasn’t the same as before”
Another reason the winner for “the best decade” is impossible to crown is that decades are filled with a melting pot of around 7 billion people’s different perspectives and experiences. Everyone, while experiencing the same public events, has different opinions about them that are influenced based on other factors such as private events and how close they are with the public event.
For example, someone who doesn’t support Donald Trump being elected and is a parent to a child in a school shooting is more likely to think of this decade as the worst compared to someone who supports Trump and thinks he is doing well.
Although everyone is allowed to have their opinion about which decade they think is the best, there is no way to say whether it is this decade or a previous one.