Artist Drake finally released his long-awaited album “ For All The Dogs”! After several months of wait and delays, fans finally get to listen to the artist’s latest work. In this article, I’ll be giving my analysis of the artist’s latest album. Going into this album, it should be noted how successful Drake’s past albums have been. The 5 time Grammy winner has achieved thirteen number-one albums on the Billboard 200 and thirteen number-one hits on the Billboard Hot 100. Billboard hailed him as the “Artist of the 2010s Decade.” With this in mind, my expectations for this album were very high.

“For All The Dogs” beats and melodies for the most part were selected and used pretty well. For example, in tracks like “First Person Shooter,” I liked how J. Cole and Drake used the beat to create a competitive vibe to it. Another example is on “Bahama Promises.” Drake using a piano beat helped create the sad and heartbroken vibe he was aiming for. Drake throughout this album seems to know what beat is needed to get a certain emotion out of the song.
Drake includes many features in the album including big names like 21 Savage, J. Cole, Yeat, SZA, PartyNextDoor, Chief Keef, Bad Bunny, Sexyy Red, and Lil Yachty. Some of my favorite features were SZA, J. Cole, and Lil Yachty. The feature that disappointed me the most was Sexxy Red. I felt that her verse on “Rich Baby Daddy” just didn’t fit the song and was interrupting the flow. For the most part, the features on this album were pretty good and complimented the songs well, like “First Person Shooter” and “Slime You Out”.
My personal favorite songs on the album were “Bahama Promises,” “Slime You Out,” “Tried Our Best,” “First-Person Shooter,” and “8 am in Charlotte.” These songs really stuck out to me when thinking about the songs Drake cooked the most. There weren’t really any songs I didn’t like but if I had to say some songs that left more to be desired they would be “Rich Baby Daddy” and “Gently.” Gently was okay but Drake’s verse in the beginning kind of threw me off and the song was kind of off but Bad Bunny picked up the slack.
To conclude my review of “For All The Dogs,” I think Drake did a good job creating another potential classic album to his long resume of classics. I like how the majority of the features went well with the songs and didn’t ruin it. His beat selection and use were also good and helped capture the emotion he was trying to get out of them. My overall rating on the album is 8.5/10. I definitely recommend listening to it and I will definitely listen to it again.